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 100,00 500,00

Freyja’s boodschap:

I am here. I am ready. I will face any battle coming for me.
I am strong. I am confident. I will fight for what I am worth.
I am wise. I am devoted. I will conquer my world with my love.

I am life and I am death. I am light and I am dark.
I am everything and I am nothing. But surely, I will rise
and nothing will stop me now. I know I can take on anything.
I am here to stay. I am here to slay my demons.
Guided by my ghosts of the past I decide which ones live
and which ones die. I have no more fear. I have no more doubt.
I am free of my chains. With the shrill call of the raven
I know it is time. I am here and I am ready. I will own it!

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